Candidate Registration is Now Open!

Picture of the South Carolina State Border

Buried somewhere under all of the emails about the COVID-19 precautionary measures is an alert that South Carolina is now open for candidate filing.

Did you miss it? Don’t worry, we have you covered.

Picture of the South Carolina State Border
Photo by Clint Patterson

You can keep track of the candidates who are filing using the Candidate Tracker on There you can also get instructions on exactly how to qualify and how to file.

So why should you do it?

There are over 500,000 elected offices in our government. Many of the officials in local races run unopposed. You can make a difference in your community if you’re willing to serve.

The best reason to run for office is to spread liberty. Too many public officials are working on telling us what we can’t do, curbing our freedoms one ordinance at a time. If you run for office as a Libertarian, you’ll signal those law-happy control-freaks that citizens don’t have to stand idly by and let the government get away with whatever is in its best interest.

Support people, not institutions. For the people, by the people: that means YOU! You have just as much right to govern as any other citizen putting their name forward. You just have to commit to doing the work.

Now is the time. In previous elections our city, county, and state governments have slipped perilously close to federal control by electing individuals along major party lines. Over the last few weeks we’ve seen municipalities, school districts, organizations, and faith communities decide what’s best for them. There is momentum behind a decentralized approach to governance.

By running for local office, you can help ensure liberty for your family, your community, and your neighbors.

Still need convincing?

I literally googled, “Reasons to run for office” and found these three from

  • There are so many offices from which to choose.
  • You know your community best.
  • Think globally but act locally!

Then I found this list from

  • Do something important with your spare time.
  • Give back
  • Public service
  • Learn more about your community
  • We need good people
  • Citizen legislators – not full-time politicians.

Take the leap. Check out the list of elections and offices seeking candidates. Find the issue that matters most to you, figure out where that issue is decided, and run for that office.

More on candidate filings in future posts. For now: File On!

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